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Editing Services

My specialty is substantive/developmental editing. I can help you with the “big picture.” That can be plot, pacing, character arcs, themes, character motivation, world-building, etc! A developmental edit includes an editorial letter that will summarize the book’s strengths, opportunities for improvement, and recommended revisions.

Tayler Hill,



  • Bachelors of Creative Writing

  • Bachelors of Publishing

  • Literary Agent Background

What I Can Help You With


Editing—My specialty is substantive/developmental editing. I can help you with the “big picture.” That can be plot, pacing, character arcs, themes, character motivation, world-building, etc! A developmental edit includes an editorial letter that summarizes the book’s strengths, opportunities for improvement, and recommended revisions. I also offer inline comments at an additional fee.



Query Package—While query materials vary from agent to agent, nearly all expect some sort of query letter and sample pages/chapters. You can build your package based on your needs.



Query Letter Critique- A query letter is an agent's first impression of you. I will provide detailed in-line comments and summary comments that will help you and your work stick out to an agent



Synopsis Critique—An agent reviews a synopsis to find plot holes in the story. I will review your synopsis (up to 1,000 words), including detailed in-line comments and summary comments.



First 10 Pages Critique- This includes a single pass at your first ten pages (up to 2,500 words), including detailed in-line comments and summary comments.


Developmental Edits with Editorial Letter—$25 CAD per 1,000 words. This includes a single pass of the manuscript and a detailed editorial letter, as outlined above.


Developmental Edits with Editorial Letter and In-Line Comments—$30 CAD per 1,000 words. This includes a single pass of the manuscript with in-line comments as a supplement to the editorial letter. The letter includes generalized feedback, while the in-line comments include more specific feedback by scene/chapter.


Manuscript Critique—Developmental Edits with Editorial Letter—$15 CAD per 1,000 words. This includes a single pass of the manuscript and an editorial letter, as outlined above.


Query Letter Critique—$55 CAD. This includes two passes at your query letter, including detailed in-line comments and summary comments on the first pass and an assessment of your progress on the second pass.


Synopsis Critique – $60 CAD. This includes a single pass at your synopsis (up to 1,000 words), including detailed in-line comments and summary comments.


First 10 Pages Critique – $65 CAD. This includes a single pass at your first ten pages (up to 3,000 words), including detailed in-line comments and summary comments.


Full Query Package Critique—$175 CAD. This includes all three of the above services (query letter critique, synopsis critique, and first ten-page critique).

How I Work With My Clients

Step #1- Connect: Let's meet! Tell me about your piece, what you're looking for, and what you hope to accomplish.

Step #2- Book a time. We will review my and your schedules and devise a suitable timeline.

Step #3- Get started. Once everything is finalized (meeting, schedule, payment), I will get started on helping you make your piece the best version of itself!

How can we help?

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